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Woman from Hayes named as a UK Top 50 business advisor

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Minal Patel from Hayes has been named by Enterprise Nation as one of the UK's top 50 Business advisors for her work with small businesses, Brunel entrepreneurs and the Hayes Town Business Forum.

Business advisors are people who provide advise to businesses to help them grow. They have been described by Emma Jones of Enterprise Nation as the "unsung heroes behind Britain’s booming small business culture."

Minal has been a business adviser for 5 years and has recently supplied advice to Hayes based The Hairdressers, helping them on the road to future growth.

Speaking of her passion for her job, Minal said "if by giving my time and experience SMEs have a better chance of survival and can drive the wider economic recovery, then that’s a satisfying role.”

Enterprise Nation's Top 50 advisors have been selected from among hundreds of candidates. Minal now goes through to a public vote to determine the UK's top 10 advisors. The winners of this round will be announced on November 25th.

To vote for Minal, the list of advisers can be found here:

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