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Stop the speeding! Petition launched to calm Hayes roads

Updated: Apr 7, 2021

Botwell Councillor Janet Gardener has launched a petition calling on Hillingdon Council to take measures to prevent speeding on the roads around Hayes town centre.

Drivers have been seen frequently speeding around the area, often late at night or in the early hours of the morning.

The petition calls for the Council to request more action by Hillingdon Police to ensure those responsible for speeding in Hayes are caught and charged. As a matter of urgency, the petition also calls on the Council to launch a formal consultation 'on the introduction of a 20mph speed limit and other traffic calming measures'.

Speaking about her petition, Cllr Gardner said:

"This anti-social behaviour is not only a threat to life and limb but also to physical and mental health because of excessive noise and air pollution.

"It's time that the Council took seriously the impact that this has, and acted to address the problem. It's time for action."

When the petition reaches 100 signatures, Hillingdon Council and the relevant Cabinet Member will formally consider it.


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