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Hillingdon’s COVID 19 Death Total 12th highest among London Boroughs

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

New Office for National Statistics data shows that, out of the 33 London Boroughs, Hillingdon has suffered the 12th highest number of deaths due to COVID 19. 

Every week, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) release updated data on how many people have died, both due to COVID 19 and in total, within each local authority area. They also release weekly data detailing where people have died; in a hospital or in a care home.

The data released on Tuesday (28th April) includes statistics on all deaths that have taken place during this calendar year up until the week ending April 17th. It shows that, within this timeframe, 158 people had died of COVID 19 within Hillingdon.  Further, it highlights that the vast majority of those deaths (133) took place within the borough’s hospitals.

In comparison to the other 346 UK local authorities, Hillingdon has fared worse than most, ranking 24th for Total deaths due to COVID 19. However, it is important to note that all London boroughs rank highly on this list, in part due to their dense population, with 24 of the 33 London boroughs ranking in the top 50 local authorities for deaths due to COVID 19.

Naturally, the number of total deaths does not tell the whole story: some local authority areas have higher populations than others. This said, when taking into account population, looking at the number of COVID 19 deaths per 1000 people, Hillingdon still comes in a similar position among London Boroughs: 15th instead of 12th.

For more data on COVID 19 deaths, please visit the Office for National Statistics website.

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