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End support for Fossil Fuels, Johnson Told

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

As part of a Global Day of Action for climate justice (November 6th), members of Hillingdon Friends of the Earth marched through Uxbridge to the Prime Minister’s constituency office to demand he end support for fossil fuels.

With the message “Earth’s on fire” they highlighted the government’s hypocrisy in claiming to be a world leader on climate whilst continuing to support fossil fuels here and abroad.

Hillingdon Friends of the Earth are calling on the government to end support for fossil fuels by:

  • Withdrawing support of the Horse Hill development

  • Divesting from gas drilling in Mozambique

  • Rejecting the Cumbria coal mine

  • Rejecting all new offshore oil and gas fields

They are also calling for the government to reject all calls for airport expansion, including a third runway at Heathrow.

Rosemary Bennett from Hillingdon Friends of the Earth said:

“Instead of financing climate-wrecking fossil fuels, the government should put its money in clean energy and green infrastructure that could create over a million new green jobs across the country.”

This event was part of a global day of action [November 6th] calling on world governments and corporations to limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees and deliver real and fair solutions to the climate crisis.

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