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Bring Powers back to Communities: Labour Group Leader

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

The Leader of the Labour group on Hillingdon Council, Cllr Peter Curling, has backed a new campaign calling for more decision-making powers to be returned local Government.

Turning the Tide’ calls on local Councillors and residents to oppose the centralisation of power in Whitehall and support greater independence and more financial autonomy for local Councils. It also calls for an independent inquiry into the role of local government and its relationship with Whitehall.

The campaign is underpinned by research conducted by Arianna Giovannini, Deputy Director of the Local Governance Research Centre (LGRC), De Montfort University.

The report, Local Government in England - 40 Years of Decline, commissioned by Unlock Democracy, sets out how local Councils have seen responsibilities and powers taken away from them, leaving them often as nothing more than the under-resourced delivery arm of central government.

On the 21st July from 7pm to 8pm, Cllr Peter Curling will be speaking at a Zoom event in support of the ‘Turning the Tide’ campaign. He will be joined by Phil Starr, a founder member of Unlock Democracy.

The event will begin by introducing the campaign and report before opening up to questions from the audience.

Cover Photo Credit: Conrad Roth. Licensed under: CC BY 2.0

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