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Alan Boundian

AI: Friend or Foe for Community Media?

AI could help community media in some ways, like making stories faster and reaching more people. But it's also controversial. Some worry it might replace human journalists or make biased news. Plus, there are concerns about privacy and how AI makes decisions. So, while AI could be useful, we need to be careful and think about how it's used to make sure it helps, not hurts, community media.

Just to show you, the below image was created using the simple prompt: AI for community

When using AI for community media, it's important to give it clear instructions. This means telling it exactly what you need, like writing a news article or summarizing a story. By giving examples and being specific, AI can understand better and give you the right results. Also, using AI tools that are made for specific jobs, like understanding feelings or making summaries, can make things easier.

Check out some of these:

  1. TensorFlow: Google's tool for smart computers that helps with things like recognizing images and understanding language. You can find it on the TensorFlow website.

  2. PyTorch: A helpful tool from Facebook that makes it easier to teach computers new things, like recognizing patterns or making predictions. You can download it from the PyTorch website.

  3. A tool that helps you look at data and find useful information, like spotting trends or making predictions. You can find it on the website.

  4. scikit-learn: A simple tool that helps you teach computers to make decisions based on data, like telling if an email is spam or not. You can download it from the scikit-learn website.

  5. Canva: An easy way to make cool pictures and designs online, with helpful AI that suggests ideas and layouts. You can find the AI tool inside the Canva project editor when you're editing pictures.

  6. Wix: A website maker with built-in AI that helps you create your own professional-looking website without needing to know complicated code. You can access it on the Wix website. This is where we generated the image above.

Have fun! Don't be afraid of it, we don't thin the robots are taking over just yet....

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